Two posts in two days?! Yes.
First, I’m selling an AI-generated book that I… (uh… we…?) wrote. The book includes the full text of the manuscript, and a short introduction by myself. Finally, the code that generated the book is included in an appendix.
I wrote program that recursively generates text for the book based on a rolling average of state. As you can imagine, it produces a lot of text but it doesn’t hang together too well. You can find the code base and try it yourself at
Version 2 is already a lot more promising. The weird part about that code is that it just tracks a larger state to help model and engineer prompts that keep GPT on track. I’m looking forward to sharing the next book. It also randomly selects genres, etc.
Gina P. Thomas
I created a tool called Gina. Gina is a Discord plugin that creates an interface to ChatGPT. It’s connected to my GPT API account, so even if ChatGPT is “over capacity”, it still works. You can sample it at (which is a great place to visit anyway), or fork it to use yourself in your own Discord. It will be quite scary if my bot proliferates throughout Discord. My channel members are enjoying it quite a bit.
AI resources
Check out Andrej Karpathy’s YouTube:
Karpathy was Tesla’s head of AI.
Read the paper that brought transformers to life:
That’s all I got for now!